CV |
Margaret A. Boden, OBE ScD FBA MAE FRSA
DSc(Hon. Sussex) DSc(Hon. Bristol) DUniv(Hon. Open U.) |
High Resolution Pictures

Born: London, Nov. 26th l936. (Two children, four grandchildren.) |
1958 |
B.A. (Cambridge) Natural Sciences for Medicine -- 1st Class Hons.
[1963 -- Converted to M.A., Cambridge] |
1959 |
Part II Moral Sciences Tripos (Cambridge) -- 1st Class Hons. |
1968 |
Ph.D. (Harvard) Social Psychology (specialism: Cognitive Studies). |
1990 |
Sc.D (Cambridge.) [Fac. Biology B] |
2001 |
DSc.Hon. (University of Sussex) |
2002 |
DSc.Hon. (University of Bristol) |
2004 |
DUniv.Hon. (Open University) |
Major Scholar, Newnham College, Cambridge (1955-58) |
Sarah Smithson Scholar, Newnham College, Cambridge (1958-59) |
Harkness Fellow (1962-64), Harvard Graduate School. |
Public and Elected Honours
OBE "for services to cognitive science" (New Year's Honours list, 2002) |
Leslie McMichael Premium of Institute of Electronic and Radio Engineers |
1978 (for "outstanding paper on Management Techniques in IERE Journal"). |
Fellow of British Academy (1983--) (Vice-President, 1989-91.) |
Fellow of Royal Society of Arts (1992--) |
Fellow of AAAI (1993--) (American Assoc. for Artificial Intelligence) |
Member of Academia Europaea (1993--) |
Life Fellow of AISB (1997--). (AI & Simulation of Behaviour) |
Fellow of ECCAI (1999--) (European Coordinating Committee for AI) |
Covey Prize, IACAP 2013 (Int. Assoc. for Computing and Philosophy). |
Gold Medal, University of Sussex 50th Anniversary, 2012/13 (1 of 8) |
Lifetime Achievement Award (International Society for Artificial Life, 2016) |
Royal Institution "Friday Discourses":
(a) "Creativity and Computers" (1990)
(b) "Is Artificial Life Possible?" (2002) |
Templeton Lecturer 1994, University of Sydney.
(CHAST: Centre for Human Aspects of Science and Technology) |
Dacre Lecturer, 1995: Peterhouse, Cambridge. |
Science Prestige Lecturer, 1997: University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. |
Hagerstrom Lecturer, 1999: University of Uppsala, Sweden. |
Royal Institute of Philosophy Millennial Lecture, 2000 |
Gramlich Lecturer, 2002: Dartmouth College, USA. |
Pufendorf Lecturer, 2003: University of Lund, Sweden. |
Fifth Turing Memorial Lecturer, 2009: Bletchley Park |
Symbolic Systems Distinguished Speaker, 2009: Stanford University |
Nobel Dialogue speaker, 2015: Gothenburg. |
Distinguished Lecturer, University of Birmingham (2016). |
Many keynote speeches to international conferences of artificial intelligence, psychology, philosophy, creativity, and computer art. |
Various ‘stand-alone’ public lectures, in UK and abroad, on those areas. |
Invited speaker at scientific and literary festivals in the UK. E.g. Edinburgh Science Festival, Edinburgh Book Festival, Hay-on-Wye Literary Festival, Hay-on-Wye Festival of Science and Music, Sunday Times Literary Festival, Times/Sunday Times Cheltenham Science Festival, Brighton Science Festival, and Folkestone Book Festival. |
Also, various media-appearances in UK and abroad. E.g. on BBC’s "The Life Scientific", "ArtsNight", "In Our Time", and "Start the Week". |
And, invited speaker at scientific/artistic festivals in Germany and other European countries. |
1959-65 |
Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Birmingham. |
1965-80 |
Lecturer/Reader in Philosophy and Psychology, University of Sussex |
1980-97 |
Professor of Philosophy and Psychology, University of Sussex. |
1997 on |
Research Professor of Cognitive Science, University of Sussex. |
About 250 papers in professional journals, edited collections, and public media. Plus the following books: |
Monographs: |
Purposive Explanation in Psychology. Harvard University Press, 1972. |
Artificial Intelligence and Natural Man. Harvester/Basic Books, 1977.
2nd edition (expanded), MIT Press/Basic Books, 1987. |
Piaget. Fontana Modern Masters, 1979.
2nd edn (expanded), 1995. |
Computer Models of Mind: Computational Approaches in Theoretical Psychology. Cambridge University Press, 1988. |
The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms. Weidenfeld & Nicolson/Basic
Books, 1990/91.
2nd edn. (revised & expanded), Routledge, 2004. |
Mind as Machine: A History of Cognitive Science, 2 vols.
Oxford University Press/Clarendon Press, 2006. |
AI, Its Nature and Future Oxford University Press (2016). |
Artificial Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction Oxford University Press (probably Spring 2016). The paperback version of AI, Its Nature and Future. |
Collections of my papers: |
Minds and Mechanisms: Philosophical Psychology and Computational Models.
Harvester Press/Cornell University Press, 1981. |
Artificial Intelligence in Psychology: Interdisciplinary Essays. MIT Press, 1989. |
Creativity and Art: Three Roads to Surprise. Oxford University Press, 2010.
M. A. Boden and E. A. Edmonds, From Fingers to Digits: Towards a New Aesthetic. MIT Press/Leonardo. forthcoming. |
Edited books: |
Benefits and Risks of Knowledge-Based Systems. (Report of a Council for Science and Society working-party, chaired by M. A. Boden.) Oxford University Press, 1989. |
The Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, ed. M. A. Boden. (Series: Oxford Readings in Philosophy.) Oxford University Press, 1990. |
Dimensions of Creativity, ed. M. A. Boden. MIT Press, 1994. |
Artificial Intelligence and the Mind: New Breakthroughs or Dead Ends?, eds. M. A. Boden, A. Bundy & R. M. Needham. Special Number of Phil. Trans. Royal Society (A), January 1995. Oxford University Press, 1995. |
The Philosophy of Artificial Life, ed. M. A. Boden. (Series: Oxford Readings in Philosophy.) Oxford University Press, 1996. |
Artificial Intelligence, ed. M. A. Boden. (Vol. 14 of 2nd edn., Handbook of Perception and Cognition.) Academic Press, 1996. |
The Evolution of Cultural Entities, eds. M. W. Wheeler, J. Ziman, & M. A. Boden.
Oxford University Press, 2002. |
Other Publishing Activities
Co-founder of Harvester Press Ltd. |
General Editor of Harvester Studies in Philosophy, and Harvester Studies in Cognitive Science--including A. Sloman’s The Computer Revolution in Philosophy (1978), and D. R. Hofstadter’s Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (1979). |
Offices on Public & Professional Committees
Member of Advisory Board of All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI (2017–) |
Member of Royal Society Science and Policy Working Group on “Machine Learning” (2015–). (website) |
Member, Scientific Advisory Board for CSER: Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, University of Cambridge (2012-). (website) |
Member, Scientific Advisory Board for Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge. (2016–) |
Member of the Advisory Board for Research Councils (ABRC): 1989 & 1990. |
Member of Home Office "Animal Procedures" Committee, 1994-98. |
Vice-President/Chairman of Council, Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1993-95. |
Trustee, Council for Science and Society 1990--95 (and chair of a CSS working party 1988-89). |
Member of Oxford University's Professorial Distinction Awards Review Committee (1991) and Distinctions Committee (1995-98). |
Chairman of British Academy's Philosophy Section 1999-2002. |
At University of Sussex: Dean of School of Social Sciences (1985-87), Founding-Dean of School of Cognitive & Computing Sciences (1987-88), Member of University Planning Committee (1986-88), Chairman, Philosophy Subject Group (1990-96). |
Also, on many external professional editorial boards/committees (fields: philosophy, psychology, and AI). |